Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

x-Biz Techventures Pvt. Ltd. (also "the Company") respects your privacy and
is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information.
This privacy policy outlines how we use and protect any personal information
you share with us while using our Aadhaar masking service (the "Service").

This Privacy Policy informs you about our policies regarding the collection, use, and
disclosure of personal data when you use our Service and the choices you have associated with
that data.

Service is a cloud-based solution (SaaS) that allows authorized users from your company
to mask Aadhaar numbers while adhering to the regulations set forth by the Unique Identification
Authority of India (UIDAI). By "our Service" we mean the SaaS platform, any related software,
and all other services provided by us, or any digital media on which a link to this Privacy
Policy is displayed.

We may use your data to provide and improve the Service to you. By using the Service, you
agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy and our Terms &
Conditions. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to our Terms & Conditions.
Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have
the same meanings as in our Terms & Conditions.

2. Information We Collect

2.1. Client and User-Provided Information

  • We collect information to provide and improve the Service to you. We primarily collect business-related information and anonymized data. Here's a breakdown of the information we collect:
  • Client Registration Information: When a company registers to use the Service, we collect information such as company name, registered address, contact details (phone number, email address), and authorized user details (name, email address, role). We will verify your company's registration with UIDAI before activating your account.
  • Aadhaar Data (Masked): The Service facilitates the masking of Aadhaar numbers in accordance with UIDAI regulations. We do not store the complete Aadhaar number; only the masked version is used and processed within a secure environment. We will log details about masking activity such as timestamps and usernames for audit purposes.
  • Usage Data: We may collect information that your browser sends whenever you visit our Service platform. This may include information such as your computer's IP address, browser type, browser version, the pages of our platform that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers, and information about the masking tasks performed (e.g., number of Aadhaar numbers masked, file types used).

2.2. Information Collected by Cookies

  • We use cookies to store specific information about your company's usage of the Service and track visits to our platform. You can determine if and how a cookie will be accepted by configuring your browser. Rejecting all cookies may require you to re-enter your login credentials more often and certain features of our platform may be unavailable.

2.3. Collected Information

  • By "Collected Information" we mean information collected by cookies, information provided by Clients (including registration details and masking activity logs), masked Aadhaar data used within the Service environment, Usage Data, and any information we may collect from you, from our authorized affiliates, or other parties through legal means.

3. How We Use Collected Information

x-Biz Techventures Pvt. Ltd. may use the Collected Information for various purposes:

3.1. Client Service and Support

We use your Collected Information to provide and improve the Service to our Clients, including technical support, troubleshooting, account management, and verification of your UIDAI registration. We may also use your information to send you service-related communications such as updates, security alerts, support messages, and information about new features or functionality.

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3.2. System Administration and Improvement

We use Usage Data to analyze how the Service is being used and to improve the overall functionality and user experience. This may include monitoring system performance, identifying and resolving bugs, enhancing security measures, and generating usage statistics for internal reporting purposes. We will anonymize this data before using it for any analytical purposes.

3.3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

We may use Collected Information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, including those related to data privacy and Aadhaar masking regulations set forth by UIDAI. This may involve responding to legal requests from government agencies, cooperating with law enforcement investigations, and preventing fraudulent activity.

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4. Data Disclosure

We will not disclose your Collected Information, including masked Aadhaar data, to any third party except in the following limited circumstances:

4.1 Service Providers:

We may share your Collected Information with third-party service providers who assist us in operating the Service, such as cloud storage providers, data security firms, or customer relationship management (CRM) software providers. These providers are bound by strict contractual obligations to:

  • Maintain the confidentiality and security of your information.
  • Use your information only for the purpose of providing services to us.
  • Comply with all applicable data privacy regulations.
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4.2 Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

We may disclose your Collected Information if required to do so by law, regulation, or legal process, or if we believe such disclosure is necessary to:

  • Protect the rights, property, or safety of ourselves or others.
  • Prevent fraud or other illegal activities.
  • Cooperate with law enforcement investigations.
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5. Data Retention

will retain your Collected Information for as long as it is necessary to:

• Provide the Service to you and fulfill our contractual obligations.
• Comply with applicable laws and regulations, including data retention requirements mandated by UIDAI.
• Resolve disputes or address potential legal issues.
Once the retention period expires, we will securely delete or anonymize your Collected Information.

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6. Data Transfer

Better for sharing

Your information, including masked Aadhaar data, may be transferred to and processed in computers located outside of your country or jurisdiction. These locations may have different data protection laws than your own. By using our Service, you consent to the transfer of your information to these locations.

Better for the future

We take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This includes entering into strict contractual agreements with any third-party service providers who may access your information. These agreements will ensure that such providers maintain equivalent security standards to those practiced by x-Biz Techventures Pvt. Ltd.

7. Security of Data

  • We have implemented reasonable security measures to protect your Collected Information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures include:
  • Technical safeguards: Encryption of data at rest and in transit, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls.
  • • Operational procedures: Regular security reviews, employee training on data security practices, and incident response protocols.
  • However, no internet transmission or electronic storage is ever completely secure. We cannot guarantee the security of your Collected Information. We will notify you in the event of any data security breaches that may impact your information.
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8. Your Rights

Depending on your location, you may have certain rights with respect to your personal data. Here are some examples:
Service Providers: We may share your Collected Information with third-party service providers who assist us in operating the Service, such as cloud storage providers, data security firms, or customer relationship management (CRM) software providers. These providers are bound by strict contractual obligations to:
• You may have the right to request access to and rectification of your personal data (e.g., company registration details, authorized user information).
• You may have the right to request the erasure of your personal data, subject to certain limitations (e.g., legal recordkeeping requirements).
Comply with all applicable data privacy regulations.
• You may have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data.
To exercise any of these rights, or if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the contact information provided below.

9. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on our platform. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes.

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10. Contact

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at [email protected]
This concludes the complete data privacy policy with additional details incorporated into each point. It outlines the data collection practices, usage purposes, disclosure scenarios, retention periods, security measures, and your rights concerning your personal data when using the x-Biz Techventures Pvt. Ltd.'s SaaS-based Aadhaar masking service.

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11. FAQS.

Frequently Asked Questions

We believe brand interaction is key in communication. Real innovations and a positive customer experience are the heart of successful communication.

Does Xbiz Tech Ventures use the data I provide to its services?
Xbiz Tech Ventures values your privacy and does not utilize any of the content you provide, such as ~/assets/images/PrivacyPolicy or other data, for purposes other than delivering our services to you.
Your data remains confidential with Xbiz Tech Ventures. We do not share your content with any third party without your explicit consent.
For online operations, your data is processed in memory and is not persisted to disk. For offline batch operations, your data may be stored temporarily for analysis, with a failsafe Time to Live (TTL) of a short duration, typically a few hours. Additionally, Xbiz Tech Ventures may log metadata about your requests temporarily to enhance our services and protect against misuse.
Xbiz Tech Ventures employs stringent security measures to safeguard the data you provide. For detailed information on our security practices, please refer to our Security page.
Xbiz Tech Ventures does not employ your data to train or enhance its services without your explicit consent.
Xbiz Tech Ventures does not assert any ownership over the data you transmit through our services.
No, reselling Xbiz Tech Ventures' services is not permitted. However, you may incorporate our services into solutions you provide to your customers.